Saturday, October 31, 2009

One of my lovers smells. Why do so many of them smell?

Right betweeen the legs. I mean it's not like I'm not going to go there at some point during the f***ing day, IS IT?

Even with the Olay %26 Dove products on the market there is still gash nastiness. I wish i could sensitively tell my lover that she nearly knocks me out but I feel so awkward talking to her about it.

Well before you get it on with her why dont you both hop in the shower before you get down to nookie, surely she ain't gonna smell that bad straight after a shower,lol.
Just be honest with her. It'll do you both some good.
its probably to try keep you away your sick!!!
it sounds like she has an infection.
Two words for you- Fem fresh %26 be a little nicer :0) x
This is obviously a joke question. I was bored so I'm afraid I will dignify this with an answer. Your lover is in fact yourself. You are such a sad ugly loser that you have to resort to shock tactics to get a responce. People will cross the road to avoid you probably because of that smell you mentioned. Go and get some responsibility into your life which in turn will earn you some respect. Have a wash and then people will like you whether you are ugly or not.
you need to take her to the grocery store and buy her some douche. Flush her vaginal area out then before you do anything have her take a shower. Everything should be fine. usually too much sexual activity with out the proper cleansing causes it to smell.
you said ONE OF YOUR LOVERS how many do you have.. could be something they have eaten or or an infection passed from one person to the other.
try summers eve products they have douches washes and sprays..somethin outta work!
I reckon she's deliberately not had a bath or shower in 6 months in the hope it will get rid of you, you moron.
its 'cause you have given them all the clap, errrr you're dirty

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