Saturday, October 31, 2009

On my bikini line, between my pelvis and right leg, I have a bump, what could it be?

I know that I'd had this thing along the crease between my leg and public area that looked like a scar for as long as I can remember. But since it started getting warmer and more humid, lately the thing has been risen and turned kind of brownish redish pink and hurts when my underwear line rubs against it.
Before, it looked like a scar, but now it looks gross and painful sometimes.
Has anyone ever had something similar, and what is it?
My gyno has never mentioned the thing that looked like a scar before, so if it was something woudln't she have said something at the time?
Just confused.. :(

Oh.. it's about the size of a pencil eraser..
ingrown hair(s)
let your doctor know it is red and painful...I'm not sure at first I thought it was an ingrown hair or an abscess, but the more I read into your question, the more I didn't have a clue..
okay, go to googleand find a map of the endocrine system. there are clusters of lymph nodes in the pelvic region and sometimes they get an infection. if the pinkish brown bump is a good bit under the skin (can move around and grasp under) there is a chance that is all it is especially since it is very painful. I had that once and my doctor said it was a normal thing. however, if it doesn't go away, keeps getting bigger, more painful, you really should go to a doctor. a vague description of something i have dealt with is not a diagnosis of your problem. otherwise, it is a common thing and will get better in time!
It is from wearing jeans. The seam of the jeans rub against your skin.

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