Saturday, October 31, 2009

OMG im kinda short and i realy wanna grow. how can i grow like 3 inches by the end of summer? HELP ME PLEEEASE

It's not going to happen by the end of the summer no matter what you do.

If you don't mind waiting a year (at least) and you are really, really to grow taller, if you have the money and if you don't mind living with an incredible amount of pain for a year (and you don't mind sitting for practically the whole year too), there's a surgery you can have when they cut your leg bones and put your legs in a stretcher thing and you have to wait for the bone to grow out.

It's really not that bad being short. You might not like it at first, but over time you will find its advantages (or you can ask other short people who are happy with their height)

Realistically, if you don't want to stay short, do not under any circumstances take gymnastics, because the pressure that goes against your spine compresses it. That's why so many gymnasts are short.

There are a few types of exercises that you can either make you a bit taller and/or appear taller, so look those up (sorry I can't name any). As for growing three inches, unless you get a sudden growth spurt, tough luck.
You can't, just let nature take it's course and be patient.
When you get older you'll get taller.
ummmmm.drink milk?? weellll good luck to you.
desperate measures ! : use a shampoo that promotes for longer hair like sunsilk green ! goodluck!
or beter yet buy a hair extender, then u can have more than just 3 inches.

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