Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ok! what should I expect when i get my period? And go through puberty?

First of all DO NOT listen to LuLu. Getting your period is a wonderful event and signals your body getting ready for motherhood. It does not mean it is ready but preparing.

I'm sure you know with your period you'll have a vaginal discharge of blood and tissue about every 28 days. It can last anywhere between 1 and 7 days. For the first year or so you may not be every 28 days. Maybe shorter or longer and may even skip month completely.

You may have a normal period which means just that. You have the discharge. However you may feel emotional or tired. You may be cranky or even feel puffy and bloated. You may have cramps which can be mild or very intense. Try over the counter meds first and if things get bad ask your DR for something. There are lots of options these days.

As for puberty, you should see signs before you start your period. Your breasts will start to develop and could be tender. You may start seeing more hair on your legs as well as pubic hair and underarms.

I can't say enough how wonderful you are to be blessed with being a girl. Do not let anyone tell you (like they did back in my day!) that it is 'the curse' or anything bad. If you do suffer cramps or any other symptom try to keep you chin up and realize that you were created woman and it is a privilege. I personally think that is why Mona Lisa was smiling.
horror and misery
Expect to get moody, expect for your breasts to get tender because they're growing, expect to grow pubic hair, expect to get taller.. etc..
having someone explain this to you on won't help out too much. ask your mom or any other older female you feel comfortable with. there are also some great websites that have helped me out, like This is tons of information and there are also some things so that you are in a community with the website and it will help you ease into getting older. If you go to the kids safe web search on msn kids and you go to the health catergory and then to growing up or puberty (i'm not sure which) there are lots of websites that can give you some more answers. but the best thing to do is to ask someone you know and i know at the boys and girls club there are some growing up classes that will give you all the information you need.

don't be afraid to ask, its completely natural!
actually you tend to stop getting taller once you have your period. The most you'll grow is 2 inchs according to my biology teacher. It's horrible, especially in summer on hot days, because of it you can't swim in the pool. I personlly hate when I have in while I have the flu. The blood ends up burning me becuase of my very high fevers. All in all I hate having a period, I don't know anyone who likes it. Next week I go on vacation. I'm suppose to get it the day after I get there. It kills everything. The only upside is that one day it'll enable you to have kids. And that it self is a horrible process. Why do girl have to go through a life time of hell to have kids and guys get to have all the fun? That doesn't seen fair. The only reason I think having a period would be fun is sad for who ever will end up marrying me. I'm gonna send my husband to buy me pads and tampons just to get back at he entire male gender. I know it's cruel, but that's how bad mensurating is. Don't rush, enjoy your time without it.
I definitely think you should ask a female adult you trust, but in case you have no one else, hear goes: Your period is a beautiful experience in becoming a woman. You are now an adult and able to have children. Your body becomes in tune to mother nature and the moon. You may experience some discomfort, but if you have a good attitude, you will have less pain. You will bleed for 5-7 days if you are not using a hormonal birth control. As for the rest of puberty: It depends on the person, but you will probably have lots of cramps through out your body as it grows. Tenderness in your breasts and vagina.
bleeding and your mood can go from happy to depressed to bored to annoyed to super happy.

Yeha i know it sucks but its all part of life.
period- living hell. cramps. headaches. bloating. fatigue. blood. more blood. use tampons! omg,they're so much better than pads.
puberty-acne. periods. sweat. gross smells. pubic hair. having to shave areas you never thought possible.

good stuff like that. :)
Execpt to be bichy and PMS and well more bichy

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