Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ovarian cyst?

I've had dull pain over the last week or so just under my tummy-button that comes and goes, had to go to the toilet maybe six times a day but no joy, and feeling pretty bloated and sick.Only problem is I'm due a period within about a day, and my local hospital has a habit of blaming any abdominal pain on menstrual cramps, and I really don't want to go if I'm unsure.
Also,mom had a malignant ovarian cyst about 20 years ago, so is it genetic or runs in the family?
It could be. From relatives' experiences, cysts tend to act up and/or burst around your menstruation, most likely due to hormone fluctuations. My mother had one burst last year, and the attending ER physician had the audacity to accuse her of cheating on my father and contracting an STD, so it isn't just your ER! I would call your primary ob/gyn, all you would need done is an u/s I believe, to see them. I would ask for them since it may be genetic. If one is going to rupture, you will need a prescription for a narcotic painkiller (they are extremely painful) and an antibiotic. Best wishes!

Family history also plays a part in how aggressive a doctor may be. If a patient's mother or sister had cancer of the ovary, we worry over any cyst, resolved to prove it functional or not. A family history is when things start to get a little creepy, because one out of seventy women will get ovarian cancer; but if a mother had it, a daughter's chances are anywhere between one in twelve to one in twenty. If two close members of her family have it, the chances can get as ridiculously high as one in two! No wonder we worry.
It probably IS your period coming on! Once your period comes and goes and you still have the pain then you need to see a gynecologist. But please don't worry about cancer right now.
Yes I would go to the dr... (but it might be your period coming on too so just wait and see) if not then do go to the dr and have them do an ultrasound (normally they try vaginal method (2 fingers in vagina and one hand press on your stomach in the area where your reproductive organs are) but if it hurts when they try this first tell them that it hurts and they will do an ultrasound which is painless (gooey gell put on your stomach usually where your ovaries are located) to check for cysts. they did that for me and found a benign cyst (but I had no pain). Yours might be malignant since you do if they find one. Nothing to worry about really just a ultrasound. Yes it can be genetic if your family members have history of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) which my aunt does, i think gram did too. I would go to the doc as you might have a cyst that needs medical attention. If it's benign and they find a cyst (like me) then they won't do anything just have you monitor it by letting them know if you notice pain. But as I said, get yours check pain is a bad sign and you could have a cyst that is malignant if there is the presence of pain.
My advice to you is to see a doctor. If something just doesn't feel right, it probably isn't and you know your own body better than anyone else does. It can be genetics and if your mother has a history of cysts, it won't hurt to get it checked out. FYI - a pelvic exam won't necessarily find a cyst. Only an Ultrasound will locate them. Take it form my experience and be safe rather than sorry. Mine ruptured and I was in ICU for a week and a half because the infection spread to my blood stream. It's not something to mess with. Not only is it dangerous, but it can have long term effects on your fertility. I hope all is okay!

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